-- 00:55:42 / Movies and games, other media. You can recommend: Movies: Taxi driver, King of comedy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Halloween by John Carpenter, Jacob's Ladder, Eraserhead, Clerks Movie Anime: Perfect blue, Redline anime, School Days anime or visual novel, Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor anime and manga. Hajime no ippo, Gurren Lagann, Great Teacher Onizuka, Golden Boy Anime Mentioned: Ashita no Joe Games: Lisa the painful; and joyful DLC, Silent Hill (PlayStation 2 release, Greatest Hits Version. Director's cut), Persona 3, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (Also 2 must be played together), Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2, Waka Waka 7 (Fightcade), MELTY BLOOD, Killer Instinct, Saya no Uta (https://jastusa.com/) Manga: Bakuman, Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate (OVA), Berserk, Lasboss X Hero, Jojo Bizarre Adventure (Black and white), Welcome to the N.H.K Music: Belowground, UhOhSlater, Negative XP, Emotional manga: Bakuman Strange visual novels: Euphoria, Maggot baits -- 01:12:32 / How did you meet Hanzo, Crisp Rat, Aalasteir?: S.I.T.E. [06] "The Crisp Rat Extravaganza" (Feat. Crispy Rat, Gilbert Gottfried, & Sheen Estevez) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0WgnkPEI9k&ab_channel=ScreamingIntoTheEthernet --